My daughter-in-law, Chantal, gave birth to a 7 lb 6oz boy on May 5. He was named 啟惟 and Evan. As time goes by, we realize that he has become known as King Evan (as in the first grandchild in any family).
Jennifer and I went to see Derek, Chantal and Ean in June. Jennifer joked that she felt too yung to be a grandmother. Well, it was about tme for our life really despite how young we feel inside.
旅遊 (Trips to Ireland, Turkey, and Tokyo)

we went to UK (again) in the spring, and spent four days in Ireland. Ireland was nice and pretty, but not as wild and dramatic as our previous Scottish Highland trip. In the summer, we went on a two-week vacation in Turkey — First week with Nora and Leslie in Istanbul and a side trip to Cappadocia. Istanbul of course was majestic, but Cappadocia blew our mind with its fantastic spans of rock formations. The early morning balloon flight over the errain was the highlight. Highly recommended.
The second week we joined a tour group around Turkey. There were exotic and wonderful urprises partly due to our ignorance to Islamic cultures and people.
The Tokyo trip in the Fall was for a UK-Japan Workshop on Actinomycetes, in which I was invited to give a talk. Jennifer and I revisited this huge city after over a decade’s absence, and saw many new changes. The highlight was the Cirque Du Solei show at Disneyland. It was our first time, and it was one of the most memorable experience. We also loved the Sukiyaki dinner at Disneyland (a total surprise).
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!
Nora, Derek, and their families are coming home during the New Year holidays. How wonderful! We will also celebrate Jennifer’s 60th birthday. This time we will take them to Yi-Lan. ‘老’淘氣 is always making plans to take us sightseeing (and eating). You may not know, but Yi-Lan has a most delicious scallion onion (‘Three Stars Onion’) in the world, and it will be just in season. So, we will try a lot of it including 蔥油餅. I am signing off now. I have two grant proposals to write up and submit before the end of the year. It concerns the salaries of all my students and
assistants. So, it is of the highest priority (higher than Mahjong).

教育部將於12 月19 日舉行的「第12 屆國家講座主持人暨第52 屆學術獎得獎人頒獎典禮」中,表揚獲獎得主。教育部為獎勵學術研究,提高教學與研究水準,並促進大學發展其特色,特設置「國家講座及學術獎」,並分置人文及藝術、社會科學、數學及自然科學、生物及醫農科學、工程及應用科學等5 類科,其中人文及社會類科獎額各至多2名;其餘3 類科獎額各至多3 人。國家講座設置期限為3 年,除由學校配合提供該講座主持人所需之資源外,教育部每年獎助100 萬元(包括講座主持人個人獎金及教學研究經費各50 萬元);學術獎得獎人則將獲頒榮譽證書及獎金60 萬元。
此次榮獲第12 屆國家講座主持人-生物及醫農科學類科的陳文盛教授為本校第10 生命科學系校友,德州大學分子生物學博士,並於第6 屆獲生物及醫農科學類主持人,本屆再次獲選,而成為終生榮譽之國家講座主持人。陳校友目前擔任國立陽明大學生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所教授,陳校友從小對文學、藝術及科學都熱愛,最後決定以科學為事業、其他興趣為輔。除對分子生物學、遺傳學的教學研究外,陳校友亦熱中於科學哲學方面的探討,曾開設「現代生物學思潮」之實驗性課程,並出版「線索─一位本土科學家的心路歷程」一書。
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